Galletti Art-U 50 btu fan coil unit with grey cabinet
Fan coil with Galletti Art-U 50 btu design cabinet up to 10 cm deep and an innovative design cabinet: depth up to only 10 cm, inverter controlled BLDC motor, reduced energy consumption, modulating operation.

Politiche per la sicurezza (modificale con il modulo Rassicurazioni cliente)

Politiche per le spedizioni (modificale con il Modulo rassicurazioni cliente)

Politiche per i resi merce (modificale con il Modulo rassicurazioni cliente)
With the ART-U fan coil, Galletti presents on the market a new concept of hydronic terminal, a product that is characterized by its enviable technical performances and at the same time represents a real stylistic shift, ART-U, with its depth that in some places it only touches 10 cm, and thanks to its unique lines, it was conceived to be an absolutely transversal product, which adapts perfectly to both rigorous and essential environments, and to warmer and more sophisticated spaces. Thanks also to the possibility of customizing the front panel, ART-U satisfies the demand for ever greater customization of the spaces to be furnished. The achievement of very high aesthetic standards has not weakened the usual constructive virtuosity of Galletti products: the search for innovation has in fact also concentrated on the components and the use of new materials. With ART-U the state of the art has been redefined also in terms of technical performance, thanks to the use of computational fluid dynamics simulations for the optimization of the heat exchange inside the terminal combined with the use of permanent magnet electric motors.
Data sheet
Data sheet
- Air flow
- Total cooling capacity @ W 7/12 A 27/19
- Heating output @W45 A20
- Sound power level
Shipping & Returns
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